Project 3: Opposites, Extremes, and Updates

People just can’t deal with the truth that no matter how hard we work to disassociate ourselves from what we don’t want to be, those qualities lie dormant in the shadows, ready to erupt at any moment.

Sin is Essential to Survival: Reincorporating the Seven Deadly Sins

The capacity to sin is present in all of us. It’s built-in because we need to sin to survive. We need to know these sins, personally, not just so we know how to handle the sin of another, but also so we can learn to balance our own sin with the good in us…

Project 4: Leaders at Work and at Home

One book I’m excited about bringing together is one about being a leader. I’ve done a lot of research here and there on parenting, business, and being a leader in general. I’d really like to find lots of credible resources to write a good book, but I’d also like to interview people.

Reading Quotes: The Importance of Reading

I crack open at least one book a day, but most are too short and don’t challenge me. I read and skim articles online, but once again, these are short. It’s the long read that really interests me nowadays, both fiction and non-fiction. The benefit of fiction is obvious: it’s a story. Everyone loves aContinue reading “Reading Quotes: The Importance of Reading”

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